Our philosophy
Anyone can get stuck and have to deal with psychological problems. We believe that it can be very powerful to share vulnerability and we are will not be surprised by anything you would tell. Trust and integrity are very important in our work, and we aim to approach people as a whole of facets (rather than as a diagnosis). Together we will work on (re)finding your psychological balance.
After registration by phone or by email, we will make an appointment for an intake. You can find the waiting time for an appointment on the homepage. During the intake we will ask you about the symptoms you seek treatment for, and about your living situation and background. Then, we determine treatment goals and the way we will work on them; this is the treatment plan. We regularly evaluate how the treatment is progressing and whether we are on track.
As BIG-registered GZ psychologists we work in accordance with our code of ethics and within the framework of the Individual Healthcare Professions Act (‘BIG’) . We hope that you will discuss any complaints about the treatment with us so that we can solve it together. If this is not the case, you can consult the NVGzP with which we are affiliated. For more information: nvgzp.nl.
From the 1st of January 2017 all GZ psychologists have to publish a 'Quality Statue'. Our Quality Statute can be downloaded here, this document is only available in Dutch: